CPub.Web.Authentication.Strategy.OIDC.Provider (CPub v0.3.0) View Source

An Ueberauth strategy for identifying with services implementing OpenID Connect.


{Ueberauth.Strategy.OIDC, [
  provider: "https://your-favorite-openid-provider.com/",
  client_id: "blups",
  client_secret: "blupsblipsblabla"

There is no need to specify the authorization, token and jwk endpoint. The strategy will automatically detect them from the OpenID Provider Configuration Information.

TODO: Currently this strategy make multiple requests to the OpenID provider every time it is invoked that could be cached (configuration and jwks keys). Implement a more efficient caching strategy.

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Functions


Callback implementation for Ueberauth.Strategy.credentials/1.


Callback implementation for Ueberauth.Strategy.extra/1.


handle_callback!(Plug.Conn.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Callback implementation for Ueberauth.Strategy.handle_callback!/1.

Callback implementation for Ueberauth.Strategy.handle_cleanup!/1.


handle_request!(Plug.Conn.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Callback implementation for Ueberauth.Strategy.handle_request!/1.

Callback implementation for Ueberauth.Strategy.info/1.


uid(Plug.Conn.t()) :: String.t()

Callback implementation for Ueberauth.Strategy.uid/1.